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    نحن نحلق بكم نحو المستقبل

    We will take you to the future

    Build your knowledge, build confidence, build your business.

  • Our business is

    taking care of your business.

    Our competitive edge.

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    Give me your hand

    We help your company succeed

    يوجد مجموعة من الأستشاريين للنهوض بمؤسستك أو شركتك ووضعها على الطريق الصحيح.

    نحن نساعدك فى تكوين برامجك الخاصة بك وقواعد بيانات على الخادم الخاص بك أو الخادم السحابى.

    وندرب فريق عملك على كيفية صنع التطبيقات الخاصة بالمحاسبة وإدارة شئون الأفراد وحتى التطبيقات الهندسية. دون الحاجة إلى مبرمجين متخصصين من خارج الشركة.

    كل هذا بإستخدام موارد الشركة المتاحه مثل تطبيقات ميكروسوفت أوفيس

    وبرنامج فيجوال ستوديو النسخة المجانية.

    There is a group of consultants to advance your organization or company and put it on the right path.

    We help you create your own software and databases on your own server or the cloud.

    We train your work team on how to create applications for accounting, personnel management, and even engineering applications. Without the need for specialized programmers from outside the company.

    All this using the company's available resources, such as Microsoft Office applications and the free Visual Studio program.

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    The cheapest competitive prices for training courses

    Multiple payment methods

    نحن نقدم أسعار للدورات التدريبة أرخص بنسبة ١٥% عن أى منصات تدريبية أخرى.

    مع إمكانية التعاقد مع المجموعات والكليات والجامعات بأسعار تنافسية.

    الدورات التدريبية تعطى مجاناً تماماً [لذوى الهمم وأصحاب الحالات الخاصة]

    We offer training course prices that are 15% cheaper than any other training platforms.

    With the possibility of contracting with groups, colleges and universities at competitive prices.

    Training courses are given completely free of charge [for people with disabilities and special cases]

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    Time is money

    We save your money by saving your time

    الجداول الزمنية للبرامج التدريبية تتم بدقة من خلال رزنامة التواريخ وساعات اليوم التدريبية سواء التدريب أون لاين أو إن كلاس.

    الألتزام بالوقت ليس من مميزاتنا بل هو من مبادئنا الأساسية. ويشهد لنا ما يقرب من ٢٠٠٠ متدرب من مختلف البلدان منذ عام ٢٠١٧ حتى الآن.

    The timetables for the training programs are carried out precisely through the calendar of dates and hours of the training day, whether online or in-class.

    Commitment to time is not one of our characteristics, but rather one of our basic principles. Nearly 2,000 trainees from various countries have witnessed our work since 2017 until now.

  • We help take your small business

    to the next level.

    Together we reach the goal.

    We started adding new batch of courses for new era:

    1. Using FreeCAD design software for 2D and 3D design. [FreeCAD is open source and accepted Python programming code ].
    2. Generative AI in fields of text to image, text to video and 2D to 3D converter.
    3. How to be international instructor in your specialist field.
    4. How to Edit, Publish and earn from your engineering and scientist ideas.
    5. Certified course of IBM Maximo in 5 Modules.
    6. Full course of SAP MM and how to use.
    7. Full course of SAP PM and how to use.
    8. Complete course of SAP ABAP code and programming of SAP.
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    High performance. Delivered.

    Digital. Business. Solutions.

  • Become a Member Today

    Join us for these amazing benefits.

    Wooden Plan

    For Students users

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    life time

    Basic Courses Viewing

    Free Games

    Games Developing support

    24\7 Chat support


    Silver Plan

    For Developer users

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    per year

    Advanced Course Viewing

    Create Course Outlines

    Research Papers Summary

    Coding Developing support

    Customer Service email

    Golden Plan

    For Researchers teams

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    per year

    Everything in Silver, plus:

    Creating Course material

    Download Research Papers

    Coding projects

    Customer Service WhatsApp

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

    30°08'52.2"N 31°39'09.4"E
    Sat - Thu
    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM